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Reducing Heat Inside the Laptop to Prevent Overheating


Heat buildup can cause problems for any laptop (notebook). Generally, when temperatures inside the case rise to excessive amounts, the risk of damaging important internal components increases greatly.

The most common cause of overheating is the accumulation of dust inside the laptop. The electrical components in a notebook generate heat and fans inside the notebook help move the air to keep the components cooled to normal operating temperatures. Inadequate cooling can cause excess heat to build up inside the case which can damage components.

The sound of the fan running constantly may indicate that the laptop is getting hot and is not running as efficiently as possible and that there is a problem with accumulated dust clogging the air vents.

Removing dust and lint by cleaning vents ;

Use a can of compressed air (a vacuum cleaner on blow function or a hair dryer in cool air mode can also be used, though compressed air is better suited for this task) to remove dust from the laptop vents and prevent overheating. Removing the dust increases the air flow to improve cooling and allows the fan to run quieter.

The cooling vents are located in various places depending on the laptop model. You can identify the vents by looking for the copper or black fins inside the vents.

Be sure to find and clean all the vents on your laptop with the compressed air . Your particular laptop might have vents on the side, the back, or the bottom. Some newer laptops might not have any vents at all.

You should blow the compressed air into the vents on your laptop, and into other openings such as the fan intake vent to help keep the air circulating and prevent dust from accumulating on components.

Ensuring proper space for ventilation

To decrease the likelihood of overheating problems, ensure the fans on your laptop are able to ventilate properly. Proper ventilation for the system is important for laptop operation. Follow these guidelines to ensure adequate ventilation: Keep the laptop upright and on a sturdy, level surface.

Provide at least 15.25 centimeters (6 inches) of clearance around each vent. If the laptop is being used at very high altitudes, above 1500 meters (5000 feet), take extra care to keep the laptop cool. ttery pointing toward the writing tip. Screw the top back on.

Updating the BIOS

Check for BIOS updates and install them using instructions in the manufactures support documents or on their website.

Using HP CoolSense technology for HP Notebooks

*Only for HP notebooks, use HP CoolSense technology is a feature in some HP notebook (laptop) computers that combines hardware, software, and mechanical design to dynamically manage the temperature of your laptop computer. HP CoolSense uses a motion sensor in your laptop to sense when your laptop is being used in a stationary or mobile setting, and automatically adjusts the laptop performance and fan speed to keep the computer cool. You can set HP CoolSense software to your specifications.

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